Pretekli teden smo se mudili v Milanu, kjer je potekal pohištveni sejem 2017, in če ste oblikovalec ali le ljubitelji lepega, je sejem vsekakor vreden ogleda. Na več kot 200.000 m2 je razstavljalo 2.000 proizvajalcev pohištva in kot pretekla leta, nas je tudi letos navdušil. Predstavili vam bomo naše vtise, ki smo jih strnili v članek.


Več kot očitno so še vedno aktualne lahke pastelne barve, ki pa so jih letos ponekod popestrile tudi močne, poživljajoče barve. Te so ambientu dodale veličastnost. Večina razstavljavcev se je odločilo za nežne odtenke roze, pastelno modre in žajbelj zelene.



Melanholične barvne sheme so popestrile vpadljive barve rdeče, rumene ali oranžne. Večkrat so nastopale  v kombinaciji z nevtralnim lesom ali minimalističnimi površinami kamna.



Bronasti, bakreni, zlati in srebrni dodatki ter obdelave so aktualne v brezčasnem in sofisticiranemu ambientu. Pojavljale so se predvsem v kombinaciji z prestižnim žametom ali moherjem, ter z večno površino kamna - naj bo to beli Carrara marmor ali temen Marquine. Dober primer je zagotovo ambient razstavljalcev Quinti sedute.



Osvetlitev je bila letos fokusna skupina. Opaziti je bilo veliko naprednih materialov, različnih tekstur in inovativnih oblik. Viseče luči nad kuhinjsko mizo so vpadljive, avandgardne. Ravno tako talne svetilke v dnevnih prostorih in spalnicah. V prostor so umeščene kot skulpture ali kot stenski ornamenti. Pozornost vsakega so pritegnili španski proizvajalci Arturo Alvarez. Ročno izdelana unikatna svetila, kjer dizajn za svoje izdelke črpajo neposredno iz narave, so z zanimivo predstavitvijo, inovativnimi formami in svežimi materiali navdušili vsakogar.



Brezčasni dizajn in prestižni materiali so standard pri široki izbiri luči Prandina. Poleg kultnih svetil, ki so del njihove stalne kolekcije, so predstavili kar nekaj novosti, ne samo iz vidika oblikovanja, ampak tudi tehnološkega napredka. Med njimi nadvse elegantna kolekcija Landing, Segesta in Led Machine z zadnjo LED tehnologijo.



Na področju vrtnega pohištva je potrebno izpostaviti izdelke podjetja Vondom. Glamur, unikatnost in ekstravagantnost so tri besede s katerimi lahko opišemo karakteristike njihovih produktov. Absolutno nekaj svežega in drugačnega na evropskem tržišču. Zunanja preproga, vrtni zvočnik, prestižen počivalnik s senčnikom in še veliko več drugih izdelkov, ki dokazujejo inovativnost.



Za blišč je zopet poskrbel Kartell. Vpadljivo razstavišče, ki je postregel s kultnimi dizajni oblikovalcev kot so Starck, Patricia Urquiola in drugi. Razširili so predvsem kolekcijo za najmlajše. Naj omenimo, da je bila letos v ospredju 50-letnica modularnega sistema Componilibili, oblikovalke Anne Castelli Ferrieri.




Saloni ufficio so postregli z inovativnimi rešitvami pisarniškega pohištva. Pristop k oblikovanju pisarniškega interjerja se je v zadnjih letih močno spremenil. Vodilo oblikovanja so potrebe posameznika - prilagodljivi mehanizmi, personalizirani kosi pohištva in odsotnost uniformiranosti. Pisarne so postale sproščene z veliko mero domačnosti. Linije so večkrat zmehčane, prisotnih je veliko tapeciranih kosov. Prevladujejo v tekstil oblečene stene, ki poleg toplega ambienta doprinesejo k dušenju zvoka



Za več informacij o izdelkih Quinti Sedute, Vondom, Prandina, Arturo Alverez in Kartell, lahko na spodnjih povezavah prenesete zadnji katalog, pošljete povpraševanje na ali pa se oglasite v našem showroom-u na Celovški 280.

- Katalog VONDOM
- Katalog PRANDINA
- Katalog KARTELL

Preostale fotografije z letošnjega sejma, pa si lahko ogledate v našem fotoalbumu na facebook strani.




Previous week, the world of interior designed focused on Milan fair iSaloni 2017. If you are an interior designer or a design lover iSaloni is the place to be. Over 2.000 exhibitors on more than 200.000 m2 of space exhibited their wide diversity of product and this year was no different from the previous, Salone del mobile continues to impress and deliver crème de la crème of Italian furniture.  We present to you our reflection on the event.

We could spot mostly calm tones of earthy greens and taupes, which created a relaxing atmosphere. It was all about pale pastels in the comfortable range, characterized by light pinks, blues, and greens that made the smallest of spaces pop. Muted shades were the choice of this year’s fair.



Bright and vivid colours were chosen to add greatness and enhancement to the ambience. Most of the exhibitor privileged red, yellow and orange colour in addition to light wooden surfaces, minimalistic stone or monochromatic colours. In picture bellow, a L'Abbate stand.



Bronze, Copper, Golden or silver details were incorporated and mixed with softer surfaces such as velvet or mohair, and with prestigious Carrara or Nero Marquine. Metals accents spiced up the interiors and made them infinitely glamourous, as seen in Quinti Sedute booth.



 Lightning collection was a focus group this year. Astonishing textures, advanced materials, and innovative shapes with several brightness grades, combine to form either translucent and ethereal objects, others with layers that let the light filter through in different intensities or even quite blunt ones, with simple architectonical look or more avant-garde, almost like a sculptures with integrated light. 

A definite eye-catcher was a booth of Spanish light producer Arturo Alvarez. They create unique handmade lighting inspired by the nature and by relations between human beings. Lamps are of unique material called SIMETECH®, innovation created by Arturo Álvarez and was recognized in New York with a Best Of Year Award by the prestigious magazine Interior Design in the category of “Innovative translucent shading/lighting”.



The LED technology is today the protagonist in decorative lighting. Used, until few years ago, only in recessed spotlights or in the garden floodlights, now the led is the main light requested by consumers. Companies in the sector of lightning are exploring the world of Led light, trying to combine technology, visual comfort and style. One of the companies that is achieving excellent results is Prandina



On a field of outdoor furniture, the was a brand which was a "must see" of this years fair. Vondom pieces transform the simplest space into an ambiance filled with glamour, both unique and extraordinary. Fresh design, innovative products, which give spaces a new dimension.



As always, Kartell faschinated us with their uniqe stand, exhibiting timeless pieces, designed by world famous designers such as Philipe Starck, Patricia Urquiola and others. To confirm thier timlesness, we need to mention Kartell is celebrating 50 years of Componibili, a well-loved product created by Anna Castelli Ferrieri which, right from the outset, has been one of the brand’s best and longest selling products.



Salone ufficio pavilions presented us many new smart office solutions, creations which aim to anthropocentric approach to design, featuring people’s needs and emotions as key protagonists of the works on display. Furniture is personalised and adjustable. Ambient is relaxed and cosy, uniformity is reduced.



More from iSaloni 2017 on facebook page.




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